Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education forms part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Our PSHE curriculum brings together citizenship and personal well-being, while promoting a British values based education. We want to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially, which helps them make decisions and tackle issues that are all part of growing up. We aim to foster our children’s self-esteem and encourage them to embrace challenge. Our teaching places emphasis on collaboration and co-operation as well as individual learning, celebrating their success and recognising achievement in its different forms.
British Values are promoted to support our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. This is necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences, value themselves, respect each other, appreciate differences and feel confident and informed as British citizen now and in the future.
The children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is developed through opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and to appreciate what it means to become a member of our diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
PSHE is taught throughout the school during assemblies or weekly lessons focussing on different topics each term and is embedded throughout the school day. Key national campaigns and global events are focussed on throughout the year, e.g. Children’s Mental Health Week, Road Safety Week, Children in Need. Children are supported and encouraged to interact using the skills they are developing and to make links with other areas of learning (History, Geography, PE, Science, RE).
From EYFS to Year 6 we cover the following areas as a whole school (1 per half term)
- Being Me in My World (Term 1)
- Celebrating Difference (Term 2)
- Dreams and Goals (Term 3)
- Relationships (Term 4)
- Changing Me (Term 5)
- Healthy Me (Term 6)
Children at Oaklands will:
- Develop effective interpersonal relationships
- Build their confidence to tackle real life problems and apply their skills when navigating modern life.
- Explore current and relevant social issues to help them become tolerant and well-rounded, global citizens
- Demonstrate the qualities and attributes we strive for and recognise as British Values.
- Understand that people have different lifestyles and are respectful of their choices.
- Understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle including relationships, drugs education and physical needs.
- Have an understanding of how to use technology safely and responsibly and an awareness of other personal safety.
- Begin to think about their future with careers and financial education before moving on to secondary school.
For more information on our RSHE curriculum please see our Long Term Curriculum Map below, or to view curriculum resources, please contact the school office.
Please click on the documents below for more information regarding our curriculum: