Policies are used to assist in the management and day-to-day running of the school. The policy documents help to determine the standards and procedures by which the school operates. The documents are the responsibility of the governing board and the school, who review and update them on a regular basis.
In accordance with statutory guidance from the Department of Education, the following school polices are available on this website. However, we also include some non-statutory polices that you may find useful. There are further polices available by request. Hard copies are also available on request from the school office.
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour and Exclusion Policy
- Behaviour - Governors Statement of Principles
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Complaints Process
- Data Protection and FoI Policy
- Equality Information and Objectives Policy
- FoI Publication Scheme and Explanatory Note
- Health and Safety Policy
- Parents' Code of Conduct
- PSHE Policy
- Privacy Notice Pupil and Parent
- Pupil Premium
- Safeguarding Policy
- SEND Policy
- Uniform Policy