Our App (SZapp)
SZapp – App
SZapp is the system we use to communicate with our parents.
Parents receive notifications when new information is sent via the app and this is backed up with an email. Parents can sign up to receive all the information but most just sign up for the classes their children are in. This ensures that parents receive quick and up-to-date information relevant to their children and any events in school.
We send newsletters via the app, which is our main source of information, including all of our diary dates. In addition, parents can inform the school of their child’s absence via a ’tile’ on the home page. Term dates and lunch menus are also available at any time from the ‘tiles’ on this page. We also have a dedicated tile for COVID information with links to guidance and forms where you can apply for family COVID test kits or report a positive test in the household.
The feed stores all the messages and information sent out and parents check this regularly or refer back to it as a reminder of current or recent events or communications.
Our parents also sign up for events via the app, which includes our school clubs, school discos and events and parent evenings. We also send all information regarding school trips via the app and parents can complete the permission form for the trip via the app. We also use the SZapp forms for any other activities that require parental permission. Parents can electronically sign the form, which saves time and paperwork.
ALL parents use the app, and it has proved to be a very effective method of communication and invaluable during the pandemic when contact was restrictive.
Please see the link below for more information: