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As a healthy school, we try to ensure that pupils are able to stay mentally healthy as well as physically healthy. Looking after our mind is as important as looking after our body. Wellbeing is about looking after our ‘whole’ self.

Please have a look at the links and resources below which will provide your child, you and your family with some positive ways to support your well-being. Promoting positive wellbeing is about combining physical exercise, time to talk and to be quiet, time to relax and be mindful, eating healthily and listening to and thinking about how we feel.

Sometimes we might feel happy, sad, fed-up, angry, frustrated, excited, unsure and this can be very confusing and hard to manage. The resources on this page should help you to understand some of your feelings, help you find ways to make time and encourage positive steps to good well-being.

If you would like to discuss your child's mental health, please contact a member of our Inclusion Team (Mrs Gray, Mr Nate or Mrs Evans).

Use the links below to help support positive wellbeing:

Activities to try at home

Feelings: Positivity and Managing Worry

Stay Active

Through my Window

Useful Apps and Websites