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Art & Design


“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.”

-Sydney Gurewitz Clemens

At Oaklands, we aim to deliver an inspirational and creative art curriculum that allows pupils to express themselves in many different ways and as individuals. We aim for children to become confident when using a variety of tools and materials; become familiar with various artistic techniques and have an extensive knowledge of the works and styles of other artists. Through a fully inclusive environment, children’s personalities will be reflected and encouraged in their work. High quality art teaching creates an enjoyable and memorable learning experience that enhances a child’s personal, social and emotional development.

Art and Design is embedded through our school curriculum. Taught through cross-curricular sessions, as well as through half-termly or termly topics, lessons focus on knowledge and skills that are progressive throughout the school.

From Foundation Stage, children learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, textiles and collage, which build upon previously taught techniques. Opportunities are provided for children to develop these skills and communicate thoughts and feelings using a range of media and materials. Sketchbooks are used throughout the school to allow children to explore, experiment and develop their art. Pupils are encouraged to take ownership and pride in their sketchbooks and these reflect their artistic journey during their time at our school.

Our Art and Design lessons encourage critical thinking, problem-solving and resilience. Children are provided with the tools and confidence to experiment and evaluate their own work and that of others.

The curriculum is designed to expose children to a range of notable artists, architects and craft-makers and recognise their cultural contributions to society. Links with local artists within the community allow children the opportunity to work alongside skilled professionals and be involved in a variety of projects throughout the year.

Children at Oaklands will be able to:

  • Discuss their knowledge and understanding of a range of great artists and art movements.
  • Express their ideas through a variety of media using a range of artistic techniques.
  • Experiment, explore and connect with the wider world through art with confidence.
  • Develop their creativity and appreciation of various art forms.
  • Use art as a form of expression linked to their personal, social and emotional development.

“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves and to explore what is possible.”

- MaryAnn F Kohl

Key Art & Design Documents

Art & Design Long Term Plan

Art & Design Knowledge Builder

Art & Design Skills Progression

Art & Design Vocabulary Builder